July 4, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Biden Suggests Netanyahu May Be Prolonging Gaza Conflict for Political Gain

In a recent interview with Time magazine, U.S. President Joe Biden suggested that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu might be delaying an end to the Gaza conflict for political purposes. The comments, made on May 28, come shortly before Biden unveiled a proposal for a Gaza ceasefire amidst growing political divisions within Israel.

When asked if Netanyahu was extending the war for political reasons, Biden responded, “There is every reason for people to draw that conclusion.” Biden, who has been advocating for an end to the nearly eight-month conflict, also expressed uncertainty about whether Israeli forces have committed war crimes in Gaza. He denied claims that Israel is using starvation as a tactic of warfare but criticized some of Israel’s actions as “inappropriate.”

Biden warned Israel against repeating the U.S.’s mistakes post-September 11, which led to prolonged conflicts. “And they’re making that mistake,” he said.

Israeli government spokesperson David Mencer criticized Biden’s comments, stating that they were “outside the diplomatic norms of every right-thinking country.”

In October, the International Criminal Court’s prosecutor in The Hague sought arrest warrants for Netanyahu, his defense chief, and three Hamas leaders for alleged war crimes. Israel initiated an air and ground offensive in Gaza last October, aiming to dismantle the Palestinian militant group Hamas after an attack that killed approximately 1,200 Israelis and resulted in over 250 hostages. Currently, around 120 hostages remain in Gaza.

The offensive has resulted in the deaths of more than 36,000 people in Gaza, according to local health authorities, with thousands more believed to be buried under the rubble. Despite broad support for the war among Israelis, many blame Netanyahu for the security lapses that allowed the Hamas attack on October 7, leading to calls for his resignation.

Weekly mass protests have drawn tens of thousands of Israelis demanding more decisive action to secure the release of hostages and calling for Netanyahu’s departure.

Market Implications and Investment Opportunities

Short-Term Market Reactions: The political uncertainty and ongoing conflict in Gaza could lead to increased volatility in regional markets. Investors should monitor developments closely as any progress towards a ceasefire could stabilize market conditions.

Long-Term Market Impact: A resolution to the conflict and a stable political environment in Israel could bolster investor confidence, leading to potential growth in the region’s markets. Infrastructure, technology, and defense sectors could see significant investment opportunities post-conflict.

Strategic Diversification: Investors are advised to diversify their portfolios with assets less exposed to geopolitical risks. Investments in global markets, particularly in stable economies, can help mitigate the impact of regional instability.

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