July 1, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA
Europe World

Georgia Advances Controversial ‘Foreign Agents’ Legislation Amidst National Outcry

In a significant legislative development, the Georgian parliament on Tuesday approved the contentious ‘foreign agents’ bill after its third reading, marking a critical step towards its enactment. Despite the imminent veto promised by President Salome Zourabichvili, the parliament, dominated by the ruling party, appears poised to override this opposition.

During the heated debate, televised nationally, confrontations erupted between members of the ruling party and opposition lawmakers, illustrating the bill’s divisive nature. The proposed legislation mandates that organizations receiving over 20% of their funding from foreign sources must register as ‘agents of foreign influence.’ This stipulation has drawn sharp criticism from both domestic factions and international observers, who label it as repressive and akin to measures employed in Russia to suppress dissent.

The government defends the bill as a necessary step to safeguard national sovereignty and counteract foreign-promoted ‘pseudo-liberal values’. However, critics argue it could derail Georgia’s European integration efforts. The European Union, which granted Georgia candidate status last December, has expressed concerns that the bill represents a significant obstacle to deeper association with the bloc.

Simultaneously, public sentiment in Georgia remains firmly in favor of closer ties with the EU, a sentiment juxtaposed against the backdrop of widespread protests. These demonstrations, some of the largest since Georgia’s 1991 independence from Soviet rule, have seen tens of thousands of citizens rallying against the bill, particularly in the evenings.

In a striking display of civil engagement, around 1,000 protesters surrounded the parliament building, closely monitored by a substantial police force, as the decision was announced. The crowd’s reaction was visceral, with chants decrying the lawmakers as ‘Slaves!’ and ‘Russians!’, reflecting the intense national debate over the country’s geopolitical orientation.

Adding to the international dimension, major Western nations including the United States, Britain, Germany, Italy, and France have openly challenged the bill, urging Georgian leaders to reconsider its passage. In contrast, the Kremlin has distanced itself from the legislation, with spokesperson Dmitry Peskov emphasizing Russia’s non-involvement and describing the issue as Georgia’s internal affair.

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Conclusion: As Georgia stands at a crossroads, the international community watches closely. The decision to pass the ‘foreign agents’ bill not only shapes the domestic political landscape but also signals Georgia’s future path on the global stage.

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