July 3, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

New Arctic Shipping Fuel Rules May Heighten Oil Spill Risks, Report Warns

The Arctic region could face heightened environmental risks from oil spills if ships switch to very-low sulfur fuel oil (VLSFO) under new fuel regulations, the Arctic Council cautioned on Monday. This warning follows a United Nations shipping agency, the International Maritime Organization (IMO), implementing a ban on heavy bunker fuel oil (HFO) in Arctic waters, effective immediately.

Impact of New Fuel Regulations

With the new regulation in place, vessels traversing the Arctic can no longer use or carry HFO, a move aimed at reducing pollution. However, the commonly adopted alternative, VLSFO, presents its own challenges. European shippers largely transitioned to VLSFO in 2020 under similar regulations. Unlike HFO, which remains liquid in cold water, VLSFO tends to form clumps when exposed to such conditions. Current oil spill response equipment is not designed to handle these clumps effectively, according to findings by the Arctic Council’s working groups on Emergency Prevention, Preparedness and Response (EPPR) and Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment (PAME).

A spokesperson for the IMO mentioned, “We are not in a position to comment on specific studies. However, IMO welcomes submissions from Member States and international organizations to the relevant IMO body.”

Increased Shipping Traffic and Risks

Shipping activity in the Arctic has surged, with traffic rising by more than a third from 2013 to 2023 and the distance traveled by vessels more than doubling, according to PAME. This increase significantly raises the risk of oil spills in the region.

Expert Analysis and Concerns

“The IMO had the best intentions with the Heavy Fuel Oil ban, which will positively impact the environment in many ways,” stated Jon Arve Royset, project lead for PAME and EPPR, in the Arctic Council’s statement on Monday. “However, in the event of an oil spill, the new fuels being used as a result of this ban could have a far worse environmental impact than the old fuels they are replacing.”

Market Implications and Opportunities

From an investment perspective, these regulatory changes present both risks and opportunities. Companies specializing in oil spill response technology and environmentally friendly shipping solutions might see increased demand for their services and products. Investors should be aware of these evolving dynamics, as well as the potential impact on shipping companies operating in the Arctic.

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