July 4, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA
India World

How India’s Rupee Transformed from Most to Least Volatile in Asia

The Indian rupee, once one of Asia’s most volatile currencies, has become one of its most stable over the past decade. This remarkable turnaround highlights India’s growing economic influence and the central bank’s strategic interventions to manage currency fluctuations. The timing of this stability is crucial as Indian bonds are set to join a significant global index this week, enhancing the attractiveness of Indian assets for investors. Stability in the rupee is essential as excessive volatility can increase costs for businesses and investors. Here’s a detailed analysis of the rupee’s transformation:

1. Historical Volatility of the Indian Rupee

A decade ago, India faced high inflation rates around 10%, partly due to government spending aimed at recovering from the global financial crisis. Crude oil, a major import, traded above $100 a barrel, compounding the issue. Political scandals and policy paralysis further threatened India’s economic growth and its appeal as an investment destination. The Federal Reserve’s 2013 decision to reduce bond purchases led to capital flight from emerging markets like India, weakening the rupee and depleting foreign-exchange reserves, branding India as part of the “Fragile Five” economies.

2. Stabilizing Factors

Under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s leadership, economic growth outpaced most other nations. Political stability and policy continuity, such as the recent re-election of Modi, have drawn foreign investors. Key reforms, including the central bank’s inflation-targeting mandate and budget deficit reduction, have also played a role. India now boasts the world’s fourth-largest foreign reserves. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has actively managed the rupee’s value by buying dollars when the rupee is strong and selling foreign exchange when it weakens, thus smoothing out significant currency fluctuations.

3. Impact on Investors

A stable rupee means Indian assets offer high volatility-adjusted returns, providing better performance with more predictability compared to other emerging markets. This reliability contrasts with the fluctuating performance of currencies in Latin America or Africa. However, the RBI’s interventionist approach can sometimes mask underlying economic fundamentals, as the rupee’s value does not always reflect robust economic growth if the central bank decides to buy more dollars.

4. Implications of Bond Index Inclusion

JPMorgan Chase & Co.’s inclusion of Indian debt in its flagship emerging-market index on June 28 poses fresh challenges. Policymakers must manage “hot money” flows—short-term capital that can rapidly enter or exit the country. Foreign investors have traditionally favored Indian equities, but increased participation in the bond market introduces additional volatility risks. To maintain investor confidence, the government must exercise fiscal discipline. Inflows from Indian bonds could strengthen the rupee, but the RBI might counteract extreme movements to maintain stability and export competitiveness, potentially increasing foreign reserves.

5. Enhancing Currency Management

The RBI plans to enhance its foreign exchange market intervention toolkit, as noted in its annual report, to handle inflows from the JPMorgan index inclusion. India is also promoting greater international use of the rupee, especially in trade. Investors are keenly watching for shifts in monetary policy, as lower interest rates could put downward pressure on the rupee. A smaller interest-rate gap with the US could make emerging-market currencies less attractive.

6. Political Stability and Economic Outlook

Although Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party did not secure a majority in recent elections, forming a coalition government raised concerns about increased welfare spending at the expense of fiscal discipline. Despite these political uncertainties, foreign inflows into Indian stocks and bonds continue to support the rupee.

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