July 4, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA
India World

Prime Minister Modi Seeks Re-election Amidst Controversy Over Communal Rhetoric

Summary: Prime Minister Narendra Modi faces allegations of exploiting religious divisions for electoral gain as he contests for a historic third term. The Election Commission investigates claims by the opposition regarding his campaign statements.

In New Delhi, as India’s monumental seven-phase election unfolds, Prime Minister Narendra Modi filed his nomination on May 14, aiming for a consecutive third term—a feat last achieved by Jawaharlal Nehru. Modi’s candidacy comes amid accusations that he is deliberately exacerbating Hindu-Muslim tensions to secure votes.

Initially, Modi highlighted his economic achievements and governance success. However, following a tepid voter turnout in the first phase, he pivoted towards a more divisive tone, criticizing the Congress party for allegedly favoring Muslims. This shift appears designed to galvanize the base of his Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), which is rooted in Hindu nationalism.

Speaking in Varanasi, his constituency in Uttar Pradesh, Modi articulated his perspective to CNN-News18, declaring, “The day I start talking about Hindu-Muslim (in politics) will be the day I lose my ability to lead a public life. I will not engage in dividing by religion. That is my commitment.”

Despite Modi’s assurances, his opponents accuse him and the BJP of appealing to extremist elements by targeting Muslims to consolidate Hindu votes. India, with Hindus constituting roughly 80% of its population and the third-largest Muslim demographic globally, remains a nation of profound religious diversity.

The controversy intensified when the Congress party lodged a formal complaint with the Election Commission, citing Modi’s comments in an April 21 speech as inflammatory and in violation of electoral regulations. In that address, Modi claimed the Congress planned to redistribute wealth based on religious demographics, a statement the Congress vehemently denied.

On the day of his nomination, Modi refuted having singled out any community, focusing instead on broader demographic strategies.

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